Common Types of Air Cleaners For Your Home

If you live in a home that attracts a great deal of dust, pollen, and dirt, you may need to buy an air cleaner to purify the air quality and to help relieve breathing problems such as asthma or severe allergies. There are several types of air cleaners on the market, and here is a breakdown of the most common ones you can buy and how they work.

HEPA Filter Cleaners -- HEPA is an acronym for High Efficiency Particulate Air and is a technology that was first invented in the second World War to help soldiers breathe in environments contaminated by radioactive material. HEPA cleaners utilise the same technology of filtering particulates in the air with as much as a 99 percent efficiency rate. The way HEPA air cleaners work is that they filter all contaminants that are larger than 0.3 microns, which includes things such as mould, pollen, dander, dust mites and general bacteria. But the disadvantage with HEPA air cleaners is that they cannot get rid of cigarette smoke, odour and airborne chemical residue.

Carbon Filter Cleaners -- Activated carbon air filters are air cleaners that feature tiny pores that draw contaminants smaller than 0.3 microns and trap them. These air cleaners are ideal if you are concerned about filtering out gas, cigarette smoke, odours, and airborne chemical residue. You can combine an activated carbon air cleaner with a HEPA filter cleaner to ensure that you are filtering as many contaminants as possible in your home.

Ionized Filter Cleaners -- Ionized cleaners work by emitting negative ions into the air that attract positive ions attached to dust and pollens and make them too heavy to remain in the air. Most surfaces in your house have a positive ion charge, which means that when the ionized cleaner works, it draws dust, smoke and pollutants to those surfaces where you can wipe or scrub them away. Ionized cleaners are typically used for homes that have cigarette smoke, viruses, or toxic gases that need filtering. The disadvantage with an ionized air cleaner is that you have to be vigilant about cleaning off surfaces where the contaminants settle, or they will become airborne again.

UV Air Cleaners -- Ultraviolet (UV) air cleaners emit UV light that kills bacteria, germs, and mould in the air. It is highly recommended if you live in a household where people are always getting sick through communicable ailments. However, it is best used in conjunction with other types of cleaners, because though it is effective against bacteria and germs, it will not filter dust, pollens, smoke or fumes. For more information, contact a business such as Air Cleaners Australia.
